The Peteetneet Historical Society is presently showing a “Barbie Doll Exhibit.” The exhibit is a part of a collection of this famous doll that belongs to former Payson Resident, Larraine Smth Braithwaite. She is the sister of our former Historical Society, the late Gloria Smith Barnett.
Mrs. Braithwaite has collected a large number of these dolls over the last many years. We have three cases and others in a wall display for visitors to enjoy. The dolls on exhibit are just a small portion of her vast collection. We would like to thank her for giving us the opportunity to showcase these dolls.
The exhibit has been on display during October and will be available through November and December. Take a few minutes and enjoy this great exhibit. The museum is open Monday through Friday from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Be sure and take the time to see our other 12 exhibit areas located throughout the beautiful and historic Peteetneet Musuem.